Raspberry Tofu Pudding

Tofu raspberry dessert will be great alternative to creamy calorie-rich puddings. Tofu is healthy and rich in protein
It’s even recommended to consume daily, for example, after workout because it contains both carbohydrates and protein in large quantities. And it’s also very easy to prepare!

Serves – 1
Required ingredients per portion:

200 g firm tofu (I took Tofu Vici)
1 banana
1 tbsp maple syrup
50 g raspberries

Place the tofu in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy, add the banana and maple syrup and continue to blend well until combined. Serve with raspberries!
Usually the natural sweetness of the banana is sufficient for great flavor. If additional sweetness is desired then add 1 tbs of maple syrup as I suggested!

Nutrition information:
331 Cal, Protein – 18 g, Carbs – 40 g, Fat – 11 g