Chickpea Flour Omelette

Plant-based Chickpea Flour Omelette

This is an egg-free Plant-based Chickpea Flour Omelette. How to make an omlette using just chick pea flour, you might ask? It’s a healthy alternative that is really simple to make!

Ingredients (2 servings):

100 g chick pea flour
150 ml eco soy milk
1/4 tbsp. baking powder
1/4 tbsp. ginger powder
1/4 tbsp. crushed garlic
2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp. yeast flakes
a pinch of salt


200 g champignon mushrooms
1 onion
100 g boiled lentils (or beans)
100 g broccoli (parboiled)
100 g tomato sauce
salt for taste


Start with preparing the chick pea flour dough – mix the flour with all of the dry ingredients, then add the apple cider vinegar and soy milk (don’t use the vanilla flavored one, otherwise the omelette will be sweet, not savory). Mix well and leave to sit.

You can meanwhile cut the champignons and the onion and fry them on a pan (you can get away without adding oil if you use a quality pan). Then add the broccoli that is cut in tiny pieces, and the pre-boiled lentils. Cook for about 5-7 minutes, then add the tomato sauce and salt, if needed. And so the filling is ready – when working with a single pan, place the ready filling in a bowl because you’re also going to need the pan for the next step. Pre-heat the pan again, and check if you need some oil (I don’t use any). When the pan is warm, pour in half of the chick pea flour mix – the other half will be used at the second go. The pan I use has a pretty small diameter, so I need to split the mix. The mix should resemble pancake dough. When you’re starting to see that the dough looks cooked (it literally takes a minute or two), pour the filling on top, but don’t add too much, and try to sort of fold one side of the omelette over the other with a wooden spatula. Continue cooking for a few seconds more, and voilà! Then continue with making the second serving. This can be served with some salad, and leftover filling can also be eaten by itself.

Nutritional facts per serving:

A single serving contains 401 calories, Protein – 27 g, Carbs – 55 g, Fat – 9 g