Creamy Avocado-Strawberry Smoothie

Creamy Avocado-Strawberry Smoothie

Creamy Avocado-Strawberry Smoothie. This carbohydrate-rich smoothie is perfect pre-workout snack because the glucose and fructose contained in the dates can be quickly used to boost energy in the body.

Have this smoothie if you don’t have enough energy for a workout!

1 serving:

½ avocado (50 g)
100 g frozen strawberries
200 ml almond milk
5 dates (40 g)

Nutritional facts

Calories: 278 kcal
Carbohydrates: 50 g
Protein: 3.3 g
Fat: 10 g

Fiber: 9.2 g
Vitamin C: 45.8 mg
Magnesium: 56 mg
Calcium: 204 mg
Iron: 1.8 mg