Tofu Pancake Recipe: How to Make Tofu Pancake

Tofu Pancake Recipe: How to Make Tofu Pancake. Sweet tofu pancakes with pumpkin protein and raisins makes for a great post-workout meal that is rich in protein!

These pancakes contain tofu, which will give a cottage cheese-like consistency and taste. This time I decided to make the dessert version of this recipe.

In this recipe, the sweet taste will mainly be added with raisins and vanilla soy milk, but in the end pancakes did not turn out too sweet at all. So, if you’re craving a little more sweetness, you are welcome to add some sort of syrup, for instance, about 50 ml of rice syrup. The nutritional facts at the end of the article have been calculated without the syrup option (without extra calories and carbohydrates).


400 g organic firm tofu
70 g (dry) kidney beans
50 g raisins
20 g ground flaxseeds
40 g pumpkin protein
20 g coconut flour
200 ml soy milk
1 tsp. Ceylon cinnamon


Place the kidney beans in water and let them soak overnight. Boil them the next day, then let cool. In a bowl, crush the tofu, add the beans (they may have a bit of water left on them – but not too much). Add the rest of the ingredients in a blender (food processor or hand blender). A smooth mass should form – see if you think you’d be able to make pancakes of it. Add raisins (they can also be previously soaked in hot water) and leave the mass to rest for 10 minutes to make it hold together nicely.

Heat up a pan. If needed, add a few drops of coconut oil, then proceed to form small cakes out of the cake mass, and place the cakes on the pan. Fry one side, then the other. The cakes are ready when they’re golden brown, and make sure they’re not falling apart. It was more difficult to turn the cakes on the first go – I later realized it was because I hadn’t left the pancake mass to rest. The next batch turned out a lot better, and the pancakes looked good! However, as said before, I thought it needs a bit more sweetness – you can also make a blended banana dressing. Bon appétit!

Nutritional facts:

100 g – 153 Calories, Protein – 12.8 g, Carbs – 12.7 g, Fat – 5.9 g